Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Mint Differences

As I mentioned in a post before, I love mint polish. Over the past few weeks I've collected a few more, while people called me crazy for buying the same color over and over, and I wanted to compare them and show the differences.

L-R: Julep "Susie", Zoya "Neely", BL "Fiver", CG "Re-Fresh Mint", Essie "Mint Candy Apple"

From this picture you can see that despite looking like the same color in the bottle they do show up differently on my nails, especially the Essie.

Julep - Susie

two coats
Susie was one of the mints I was extremely excited to get, but after I put it on the first time I swore to never use it again, until I decided to compare all my mint polishes. From the swatches I've seen and even wearing it is a very very pale blue, described as a "muted mint green creme", it's almost white. It is very comparable to China Glazes "Re-Fresh Mint" but, this bottle of mine has the worst formula. Whenever I try to paint my nails with this polish it goes everywhere no matter how careful I am, its just too liquid-y. Also, I wait as long as possible before I add a second coat and I don't shake the bottle but I still get bubbles.

Zoya - Neely 

two coats
Described as a "creme spring green" that is basically what Neely is, but a pale, dusty green. I think Neely was the most anticipated out of the five and it is my favorite. The formula in this is amazing just like the other Zoya creme polishes. Even though this polish does look a lot darker against the other mints, it's not. It is like BL's Fiver but a bit darker.

Butter London - Fiver

two coats
Fiver, a "Mint-green creme", is the perfect blend between blue and green, even though it falls more on the green side. As I stated above, this mint is a lighter version of Neely, but just as beautiful.

China Glaze - Re-fresh Mint

three coats
Re-fresh Mint is basically the same color as Susie but a tad bit darker. With this polish I usually need at least three coats to get it evenly opaque. Despite loving Neely and Fiver, this polish is my go-to mint, it's a lot more attainable than the others and doesn't cost that much.

Essie - Mint Candy Apple

Mint Candy Apple is described as a "Menthol light green creme" which in this case is mostly wrong. It is a creme, however, it's not the slightest bit green, but it is the prettiest baby blue I've ever worn. To me, this polish does not qualify as a mint because its just too blue.

Side by side

As you can see here, unless you have all of them on at the same time, Susie, Re-fresh mint, and Fiver will look almost the same when applied. 

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